There are five learning outcomes which must be addressed in appropriate depth in order to pass the assignment:
1. Formulate researchable questions and devise approaches to answer these.
2. Systematically collect and critically analyse the research literature.
3. Critically analyse the implications of the different health and social care research designs for clinical/professional practice.
4. Reflect critically upon the purpose and mechanisms of research ethics and governance
5. Appraise the significance of alternative epistemological positions, and evaluate the logical and epistemological issues that affect the choice of research method.
You need to do this by undertaking a critical review of selected research in a field which is of interest to you and relevant to your field of practice.To pass the module you will need to achieve a minimum mark of 50%
Step by step guidance
The assignment should contain the following:
? Title
? Introduction
? Searching for and selecting relevant literature
? Critical appraisal of three selected studies
? Consideration of alternative research designs which could have been used
? Conclusion
? References
? Appendices
Getting started First of all you need to give serious consideration to your choice of topic. Is there something in which you have a special interest in or which might allow you to improve practice in some way? Before settling on a choice you need to do some exploring and get a feel for what is currently known and how up-to-date the research is. Remember, you are appraising available research not writing rationale for undertaking your own, so you need to select a topic where a sufficient amount is available.