This course is about managing projects. In order to manage a project, you must first select a project to undertake. That is what Chapter 02 is about, project selection. You’ll assume the role of a manager tasked with making sense of competing projects and will apply financial and nonfinancial metrics and will recommend a project to undertake. This is easier said than done.
This assignment allows you to:
1.Demonstrate an understanding of an organization’s strategy.
2.Analyze potential projects.
3.Apply financial criteria to make a decision.
4.Apply nonfinancial criteria to make a decision.
5.Communicate the logic behind the decisions made.
6.Arrive at an optimal solution.
It’s almost time for the Oscars, and I’m in a movie mood. You will evaluate seven film ideas and select one of the films to move into production. As part of the assignment, I am looking to see a completed project priority evaluation form as well as a write up the justifies your rankings used in the evaluation form. External research on the films is probably necessary.
As a final word of warning, there is no one correct answer to this assignment. Rather, a portion of your score will come from the believability of your rankings. A strong write up in defense of those rankings will net you a better score regardless as to whether I agree with your rankings or not.