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(Solved): Task:For each assignment, students should:1.Identify and Define a sociological concept using the def ...


For each assignment, students should:

1.Identify and Define a sociological concept using the definition from the Barkan textbook (if you use a different definition or one from another source, please make sure it is a sociological definition). 

1.For each set of assignments, please choose 1 concept from the list starting on the next page – NOTE!!! Must choose 1 concept total from the list of chapters for each section, NOT one from each chapter. 

2.You MUST cite the source of your definition,whether it is Barkan or another source.You can find the definition in the online text by hovering the mouse/arrow over the bold-faced work and text box will pop up with the exact definition. 

2.Provide a Visual Representation of that concept.

1.This can include a variety of visual representations ranging from pictures that you take and download onto your computer, newspaper ads, magazines, photographs, cartoons, your own artistic creations, etc.

2.Take pictures with your phone or camera while you are out and happen to see something that sparks your sociological imagination. Use a personal example if that helps. 

3.Most importantly, BE CREATIVE and have fun with this assignment!!! (i.e. do NOT just “google” the concept and find a picture)

4.There are example photo journals in the “Photo Journal Folder” under the “Files” tab on Canvas.

5.How (or why) your visual image represents the sociological concept?-This includes BOTH explaining what the image is showing (even if it is obvious) AND explaining why you chose it for the concept/theory. Do not assume that I know what the picture is of so make sure that you thoroughly explain the things in the picture and how it represents the concept. There are a certain amount of points for each section so I expect you to address each area. Check the grading rubric for more info on these sections.

3. The last part is your own analysis of how your photo represents the concept/theory and why the concept matters to society.

3.Write approximately 10-12 sentences explaining: (must address the following areas) 

1.What is the sociological importance of the concept to our understanding of society? Why does the concept matter from a sociological perspective? How does it affect the way we see society? 

1.HINT: When you are writing your explanation, pretend that I know nothing about Sociology and make sure to explain yourself fully. Do not assume that I automatically know what you are trying to say. Also make sure to go beyond the obvious explanation, show me your critical analysis skills!

2.If it helps, use a personal example to explain the concept. When describing why it is sociologically important, think about what society would be like without it. Why is it important to how our society functions or to people's lives? Maybe ask yourself, so what?- why is this something that sociologists felt the need to focus on and study? How has it changed our lives or the way that we look at others?

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Identify and Define a sociological concept using the definition from the Barkan textbook (if you use a different definition or one from another source,please make sure it is a sociological definition

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