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(Solved): Grammar and Style•Write in the third person (no I, we, our...

Grammar and Style•Write in the third person (no I, we, our etc.)•Check your spelling •Watch your paragraph length (If you have a paragraph longer than one page, something is wrong •Use direct quotes infrequently. Instead, write in your own words and cite the source. (No ‘cutting and pasting’ together your paper.)•Use long quote formatting for quotes longer than three lines. (There should be no more than one or two long quotes in a paper.)•Consider using headings• Sourcing•Peer-reviewed academic sources are the ‘gold standard’.•Other academic sources which are not peer-reviewed are often problematic and should not be used. For example, an article published by an academic on a website or blog has not been assessed. If you must use a source like this, then you should also provide an assessment of the source in your analysis. (Note: It’s probably not a good idea to use the source.)•Primary sources (such as government publications) are acceptable; however you need to consider that the methodology used to prepare them cannot be assessed. Again, this will have to be addressed in your analysis. Sourcing•Books are not peer-reviewed and (generally speaking) should not be used. There is one exception to this – sourcing your theory. Developing a theory or philosophical perspective often takes place in books. A book is fine to use as a source in this context. •Students often want to cite the textbook because it mentions the research of other(s). Try to find the original source based on the citation. If you can find the original source, cite that. If not, cite the original source via the textbook using APA. (Try not to do this frequently.)•Generally speaking, news sources are only acceptable regarding the date and time of incident(s). These should be rare. •Other sources, such as blogs, wikis, online articles are not acceptable. Youth Violence in Schools Thesis Statement •Keep it simple and straightforward.•This is NOT a description, it is a statement to be proven. (For example, your thesis statement should NOT be about ‘describing the historical events that led to the relationship between the aboriginal community and police’.)•Think back to research methods. For a graduate paper, you should have a population, one independent variable and one dependent variable. If you have more than one independent or dependent variable – you probably won’t be able to prove your thesis in the length of the paper.•Define all key terms, especially if they are in your thesis statement. People talk about positive outcomes, success, a negative relationship etc. You need to define such terms in your introduction. Critical Analysis•Sourcing is tied to your analysis. At this level, you should be providing assessments of the research you use in your research.•Refer to your research methods courses to consider the validity and reliability of sources. Often, the results of various studies are limited. Issues of validity, reliability and limitations should be discussed.•Consider using such limitations as areas of future research recommendations in your conclusion.•Your entire paper MUST be properly sourced. If you have even one paragraph that is not cited, review it again. You have probably missed a source.•Personal opinions and experiences are not acceptable.•You are presenting an objective argument, bolstered by research. Introduction•Your thesis statement needs to be in your introduction.•This should be relatively short (one or two paragraphs) and at the beginning of your paper. If I have to read two pages to get to your thesis statement, you’ve ‘gotten lost’. Remember, most of your paper should be your analysis (proving your thesis), so put your thesis up front and center for the reader. •Include your theoretical perspective (framework) Conclusion•Your conclusion should be the last portion of your paper. •Read your conclusion and then read your introduction. Are they both dealing with your thesis? They should be. •Then review your paper. Make sure every paragraph has relevance to BOTH your introduction and conclusion. •Make sure your theory is explained not only in your introduction, but in the body and conclusion as well •If there are areas of criticism or things you feel you couldn’t deal with well, use them as recommendations for future research here.

(Solved): Functional analysis of TB - analysis of the maintaining cond...

Functional analysis of TB - analysis of the maintaining conditions and how they relate to choice of particular treatment.  (This could be placed here or in your ‘introduction’ section)

Describe of the treatment/intervention used in your study, being sure to employ behavioural terminology, and clearly explaining the treatment’s underlying behaviour principles.

Describe your ABAB research design and clearly articulate your knowledge of the rationale for that particular kind of design. (this is very important to clarify in this project)

Explain how data was collected, along with what was controlled for - any controls that were put in place to strengthen the design of your study.  Describe precisely the how, what, when (& where) of measurement/data collection.


Present a detailed description of your results (relevant times and dates to be clearly evident).

Include Graph(s) and/or charts to facilitate description of results (APA 7 formating)

Specific results of the ABAB-designed treatment (no speculations, just results!)


Discussion of and critical appraisal of your results, including an analysis of the particular method used to obtain results; an explanation of the possible reasons for the specific results obtained (e.g., degree of success or failure).  

Note that you must show that you clearly understand any difference between success of the treatment as evidenced by the ABAB design and whether or not you felt that the treatment was personally successful – the latter having more to do with your personal behaviour change goal(s).

Your experience of conducting your study, including any obstacles or setbacks.

Potential for transfer to other behaviours and future modifications. 

Functional analysis of TB - analysis of the maintaining conditions and how they relate to choice of particular treatment.  (This could be placed here or in your ‘introduction’ section)

Describe of the treatment/intervention used in your study, being sure to employ behavioural terminology, and clearly explaining the treatment’s underlying behaviour principles.

Describe your ABAB research design and clearly articulate your knowledge of the rationale for that particular kind of design. (this is very important to clarify in this project)

Explain how data was collected, along with what was controlled for - any controls that were put in place to strengthen the design of your study.  Describe precisely the how, what, when (& where) of measurement/data collection.


Present a detailed description of your results (relevant times and dates to be clearly evident).

Include Graph(s) and/or charts to facilitate description of results (APA 7 formating)

Specific results of the ABAB-designed treatment (no speculations, just results!)


Discussion of and critical appraisal of your results, including an analysis of the particular method used to obtain results; an explanation of the possible reasons for the specific results obtained (e.g., degree of success or failure).  

Note that you must show that you clearly understand any difference between success of the treatment as evidenced by the ABAB design and whether or not you felt that the treatment was personally successful – the latter having more to do with your personal behaviour change goal(s).

Your experience of conducting your study, including any obstacles or setbacks.

Potential for transfer to other behaviours and future modifications.  

(Solved): Assignment:How will IT Technology Impact the Future of Busin...


How will IT Technology Impact the Future of Business?

This is a two part assignment

Part I you will be working in groups to submit a research paper (15% of the course marks).
Part II your group will present your findings to the class (10% of the course marks).

Directions Part II

Presentation of 10 minutes to the class to summarize this technology and what impact you think it might have. Presentations will be timed and stopped at 10 minutes.
Your team will lose marks if you have not presented the full information within the time limit.
Ensure your team has an opening, cover all 5 of the topics listed above, conclusion, and visual aid during the presentation.

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. Turnitin is a web-based service that checks the assignment against its database of materials that contain other learner’s work as well as electronic academic materials.

Learners find the Turnitin report useful for editing papers. The report will include incorrect use of referencing, too many quotes, and paraphrases. If the Turnitin report, for your first draft, shows a high percentage of matching text, this will give you an opportunity to review and edit your assignment for proper citations and more original analysis. Once you make your edits, it is possible to submit your work to Turnitin again. Turnitin will know not to match the text in your second draft with text in your first draft, and so on. It is advisable to wait at least 24 hours before you submit the second draft.

Faculty finds Turnitin useful as a tool to teach learners proper citation practices and highlight the need for more learner originality. Faculty can also use Turnitin as a tool to detect possible instances of plagiarism and academic dishonesty.

(Solved): Task Details/Description: A feature can be anything from acr...

Task Details/Description:

A feature can be anything from across the term 1 module content. It can be a trait, a behaviour, a skill etc. We will discuss this in greater detail in class, however the onus is on the features being drawn from academic concepts/ theories as opposed to being from a layman’s perspective. You need to justify why the four features you choose would contribute to effective leadership by drawing on relevant leadership theory and research.

Remember that there is no right answer. What I am looking for is how you critically argue your choices with empirical evidence (i.e. theory and research). The essay is empirically-driven in nature and adopts an evidence-based management perspective and so the use of empirical research and theory to select, discuss, and justify each feature is crucial in order to do well.

You can use whatever models and theories you like from term 1 content and your related wider readings. Avoid using more than two features from a given theory or model in order to demonstrate breadth in your work. That is, I do not want you to just describe the four key dimensions of transformational leadership, or choose mostly (personality) traits as your features. You want to try and provide a well-rounded perspective on the variety of complementary factors (i.e. features) that may constitute effective leadership.

(Solved): Question 1  The use of English is a key element in higher ...

Question 1  

The use of English is a key element in higher education around the world. Discuss the motives, advantages and challenges of using academic English as a medium in different international contexts.

Question 2  

Explain why English has attained a dominant position in relation to other languages and provide example that identify areas where the hegemony of English has possible negative implications. 

Question 3

Drawing on the migrant experience, evaluate how the English language is perceived by migrants: a positive resource or a threat to cultural identity?

(Solved): Task:Analysis1.Why chosen, why relevant to marketing2.Why is...



1.Why chosen, why relevant to marketing

2.Why is it being reported or conducted

3.What marketing topics are raised (detailed examination of the elements or structure of event) (choose 2 or 3 whatever is most relevant to event) 

4.Who are the key players and what roles do they play?

5.How and why might chose event be used in marketing textbook or course (where might it fit in Hackley text / chapter or course capsules)


Describe the marketing event you have selected near the outset. But summarize the key facets of your selection with purpose. One or two paragraphs at the outset should suffice. Too much description will detract attention from analysis. 


Analysis can be defined as ‘detailed examination of the elements or structure of something’. In the case of the Assignment the ‘something’ is the marketing event in 2018 you have selected. 

To support analysis think about your marketing event selection with the following prompt questions in mind: 

Why is your selection relevant to marketing? For example, why is it being reported (in the news) or conducted (as a campaign)?  

What marketing topics or issues are raised? If there are multiple topics or issues you may want to decide which ones – say two or three – to address. 

Who are the key players or actors relevant to the selected marketing event 2018? (Players or actors in management can refer to individuals and/or organizations.) What roles do they play (or perform)?

These prompt questions should help you to collect information in advance of writing a first draft. Creating a title should help you to organize your thoughts. Visual material can be instructive – screenshot, copy of an advert (if you have selected an advert), headline, etc. – but be judicious. Visual material is excluded from the word count

As the individual essay assessment is at the outset of your academic studies, it is useful to review the assessment criteria. Bear in mind ‘intellectual quality expressed’, ‘structure and organization’, and ‘writing style’, which represent three of the assessment criteria, as essential to essay writing. Analysis is important as part of your overall response. Analysis is informed or supported by references to marketing literature. Stronger responses will be marked by ‘academic practice’ (namely level of reading and quality of referencing) which represents the fourth assessment criteria.  

(Solved): Task:The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursew...


The learning outcomes that are assessed by this coursework are:

1. Critical appreciation and awareness of the concept of sustainable development as seen in current research and policy debates and as considered in the academic literature

2. Ability to engage in critical appraisal with the aid of appropriate and balanced reference to relevant facts, theories and views of others;

3. Knowledge of SD strategy of a country/ region/ corporation.

4. ability to apply information and ideas considered in the module;

5. ability to communicate in a clear, concise and appropriate style for a postgraduate academic essay

This is an indicative list and the suggested topics cover a broad range of issues. This is for guidance only. There is no expectation that you have to consider all issues indicated under a topic. You have to develop your own questions – do not follow the questions indicated below blindly.

a) Progress with the SDGs – Almost four years have passed since the SDGs were launched. Has any progress been made in implementing the SDGs? How are different regions and countries performing and what lessons are emerging to take the agenda forward?

b) Sustainable cities: As the world is urbanising rapidly, a special attention on sustainable urban areas is essential to support the objectives of sustainable development. How are cities doing in terms of sustainability? Are their strategies and plans well aligned to deliver the SDG targets?

c) Deep decarbonisation and Sustainable development: The Paris Agreement has called for accelerated global emissions reduction to fight the climate challenge. How will deep decarbonisation options influence sustainable development at the national or global level?

d) Circular economy for sustainable development: The concept of circular economy is catching attention of industries and service providers. How is this concept being used practice and what lessons can be learnt by others?

e) Economic growth and sustainable development Economic growth has a profound effect on climate change and sustainable development. Is economic growth compatible with the idea of sustainable development and can there be development without growth?

f) Shaping the sustainable energy future of a country. Many variations of this topic are possible. A holistic picture with possible actions to be taken to achieve such a goal comes at one end. The risks and challenges for such an objective can also be considered as a separate category of work. Similarly, the specific dimensions of the problem such as environment, climate change, poverty, finance, etc. can also be considered as other potential topics. Finally, it is also possible to analyse the plans of a given country to see to what extent they are likely to achieve the sustainability targets. Examples could include: Will renewable energies make the poor worse off? How will the energy sector evolve by 2030 to support the sustainable development agenda?

g) Sustainability strategies As sustainable development targets and action plans start rolling out, it is important to analyse country strategies, targets and policies. Similarly, firms and organisations are developing their strategies to meet the future challenge. A careful analysis using a coherent framework can be a good research activity. A comparative analysis of two or more cases can also provide interesting insights.

h) Governance and implementation: How important are institutions in shaping the implementation of sustainable development? Are the existing arrangements fit for purpose? How can the governance challenge be addressed? Are global institutions fit for purpose?  

Learning outcomes

Successful completion of this coursework will demonstrate:

1. Critical appreciation and awareness of the concept of sustainable development as seen in current research and policy debates and as considered in the academic literature

2. Ability to engage in critical appraisal with the aid of appropriate and balanced reference to relevant facts, theories and views of others;

3. Knowledge of SD strategy of a country/ region/ corporation.

4. ability to apply information and ideas considered in the module;

5. ability to communicate in a clear, concise and appropriate style for a postgraduate academic essay.

(Solved):  Need references, prefer to get information from academic s...

 Need references, prefer to get information from academic sources. The answers need to apply key theories and concepts relevant to Business Communication situations or contexts. I more prefer most of the theories and concepts are taken from those lecture slides I attached. The final exam will consist of one comprehensive case study that allows you to use the knowledge and theories learned in the lectures and tutorials spanning the various topic areas of the subject. In the exam, you will be presented with a case study that relates to various component areas of the subject. In conjunction with this case study, you will be presented with a number of questions that require you to link elements, concepts, theories, and situations as portrayed in the case study to relevant aspects of the subject’s content. Those attachments are exam outline, marking criteria, and lecturer slides. Please pay attention to the outline and marketing criteria and meet it.

(Solved): Task:Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed.1.Demonstrate in-depth ...


Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed.

1.Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of organisational behaviour and its implications for understanding and managing people.

2.Develop skills in critical reflection that provide an evaluation of academic progress whilst undertaking a written assignment.

Assignment Details and Instructions.

The essay assignment includes two parts:

Section 1. You must select ONE of the following essay titles

1.Discuss the organisational benefits and problems associated with the nomothetic approach to personality assessment

2.Explain ONE process theory of motivation and its benefits and limitations for organisational practice, using organisational examples (local, national, international) to provide a context.

3.Using organisational examples (local, national, international), discuss the symptoms of, and solutions to, groupthink.

Section 2: Reflection. The second element is a reflection of the development of your progress in your academic skills.  Students should reflect on how they have developed academic skills like essay writing, grammar, researching and referencing and so forth.

Early Career/ World Class Professional Skills (PLOs being assessed or developed)/Assessed.

Successful completion of this assignment will help to develop skills as follows:

1.Demonstrate communication skills at the appropriate level. This include well-organised and structured work, with sound grammar, appropriate referencing, and digital library/ research skills

2. Explain the theory and practice of a chosen area of Organisational Behaviour. This involves identifying and explaining relevant theory and practice

3. Identify and explain professional and organisational issues and/or examples in a chosen area of Organisational Behaviour

4. Critically discuss international context, awareness and/or examples of organisational behaviour

5. Critically reflect upon own development as academic and professional skills development 

(Solved): You will submit a paper outlining the resources that you wil...

You will submit a paper outlining the resources that you will be using for your research paper. You must use proper APA formatting and professionally present the name of the source, author, where you located it and why you feel this is an academic and significant piece of work to reference.

Part Two Components:

1. Brief Introduction of the disorder you have chosen to focus on

2. A reference for each source in full APA format.

a. Use In-text citation format in the body of your paper, and include a full reference page at the end.

3. Where each source was located (ensuring academic rigor)

4. A brief outline/abstract of each source

5. Why you feel this article/video/website will contribute to your understanding of this topic

You are finding two peer reviewed articles, one cyc-net article and a website/video showing a personal narrative. All of these sources must be academic and useful to your research on this topic.

This section should also be 3 - 4 pages in length, not including title page and references