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(Solved): Task:You are a marketing communication coordinator for a bev...


You are a marketing communication coordinator for a beverage company. One of your colleagues is the brand manager for Grit, which is a new brand of vitamin drinks your company is about to launch. Your colleague is considering having you partner with them to develop an integrated marketing communication campaign.

Your first task is to write a proposal to Grit’s brand manager demonstrating your ability to contribute to the integrated marketing communication campaign. You will do this in your proposal by including examples of how marketing communication is separate yet complementary to brand development.

Instructions are attached. Please make sure to write about everything highlighted in yellow in American English. Includes is the lesson plan for the expert to read before doing the assignment. The person who takes this assignment must be able to write with proper grammar and spelling and be very knowledgeable with marketing. I have other assignments to follow for a person who has the requested credentials.

(Solved): Building on your Brand Analysis Midterm Report, you will now...

Building on your Brand Analysis Midterm Report, you will now identify solutions for your brand. Your task is to consider and apply what you’ve learned from the main text, the additional readings, and our discussions to address the issues facing the brand and answer the following question: What does the brand (Diesel Clothing) need to do to turn things around? Your report should contain the following 3 components: A revised condensed version of the content of your Midterm Report (brief background and summary of critical issues Your recommended growth strategy and rationale (why did you pick this strategy?) Your recommendation to achieve growth for the brand and turn things around Your recommendation should Center on the growth strategy you identified Incorporate at least one of the following perspectives on successful marketing/successful companies: This is Marketing, Nudge, To Sell is Human, Hooked, or Why We Buy). Make sure you reference and cite appropriately Be realistic and well-supported with facts, not fake news Be limited to ONE (1) well-supported recommendation Include integration of the marketing mix (4Ps). You don't need to focus on all four Ps. Describe fully how you suggest the brand DO what you recommend This is a business-style report. Your paper should NOT look like a term paper. Please single-space the assignment and use 12-point font with 1-inch margins. As business writing is usually concise, no single assignment should exceed six typed pages single-spaced with 12-point font. Use of tables, pictures, and charts to present your information is encouraged (but not required) and not included in the page count. Use bold headings and subheadings to delineate sections of your report. Save the document as a Word document or PDF and submit it in Canvas as an attachment. *I will attach my previous midterm report as reference for one of the questions* *I will also attach the criteria sheet if you can go over it thank you :)* ***MY BRAND IS DIESEL CLOTHING***

(Solved): Review the articles and links provided to you on eConestoga....

Review the articles and links provided to you on eConestoga. In your teams complete the following:
1.Reflect on the organization’s vision and values. What is the organization’s purpose? How will the organization achieve its purpose? What are in the internal and external factors that will support them in achieving their intended purpose?
2.Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the organization. Consider the following: talent, leadership, products, customers, markets, shareholders, etc. 
3.Using a brainstorming technique, complete the SWOT questions, complete the SWOT chart.
4.Create strategies
5.Link strategies and HR strategies/initiatives

(Solved): Marketing Of BrixtonDiscuss each of the following questions:...

Marketing Of Brixton

Discuss each of the following questions:

1.How is your brand marketed in different countries?

2.Does it use a standardized or customized approach?

3.Assess your brand's global branding success against the Ten Commandments of Global Branding .

4.How has your brand's marketing evolved in response to changing social, demographic, and ethical issues?

(Solved): QUESTIONS:a)The specific way we choose to satisfy a need dep...


a)The specific way we choose to satisfy a need depends on our unique history, learning experiences, and cultural environment. For example, two classmates may feel their stomachs rumble during a lunchtime lecture. If neither person has eaten since the night before, the strength of their respective needs (hunger) would be about the same. However, the ways each person goes about satisfying his need might be quite different. Conduct this exercise with classmates: “As you probably know, a prisoner who is sentenced to die traditionally gets to choose his or her ‘last meal’. If you had to do this (let’s hope not), describe your last meal in detail.” Compare the responses you get, especially among people from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds. What similarities and differences emerge? – Each student should get a response from one person and comparison should be done as a summary of all the responses.                              

b)Choose two of your favorite brands and devise an idea for an Alexa (Amazon’s smart speaker) “skill” that consumers could find useful. How would these skills help sell more of the brands’ products and/or increase customer loyalty?
c)How can brands remain relevant in the Age of Alexa? What strategies should brand managers employ to continue to influence consumer purchase decisions if consumers become more reliant on AI assistants?

(Solved): With reference to Aaker’s Brand Identity Planning Model, c...

With reference to Aaker’s Brand Identity Planning Model, critically discuss the key elements that a consumer goods company might use to build its brand identity in Singapore. Support your answer with relevant examples.
1. introduction: describe about brand identity according to aaker model, why is good, what is the approach
2.Aaker brand identity planning model : describe aaker model why is different from other model?

(Solved): Questions:1)Select a recent newspaper article related to COV...


1)Select a recent newspaper article related to COVID 19. You can attach the article to the assignment or provide a working URL at the beginning of your response.

a)Describe the main issue discussed in the newspaper article and what it is about
b)Consider that there is a new diagnostic laboratory blood test being used for COVID 19.  What are the implications for sensitivity and specificity for this test and its use ?
c)Is the COVID 19 diagnostic test a gold standard?  Why or why not?
d)How is either the newspaper article that you selected or the concept of learning about sensitivity and specificity relevant to you as a future registered nurse?

2) The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) has created guidelines for COVID 19 screening:

a)What is mass screening versus selective screening and give an example for how each would work? You can use COVID 19 or another health condition to describe your example.
b)When considering these screening guidelines, is the MOHLTC recommending mass screening, selective screening or another form of screening?  Describe your answer.
c)Do you agree with these screening guidelines or do you think another priority group should be screened?  (e.g. young children, older adults etc.) Describe your answer.
d)Why are screening guidelines/protocols important for registered nurses to be aware of?  Describe your answer with rationale.

3) Consider a chronic health condition or health condition with multiple risk factors (choose from either diabetes, alzheimer's, cancer or COPD)

a)What considerations are important for determining the cause of the disease?
b)Which criteria would be helpful to understand the causal factors related to the disease you have chosen and why (e.g. Bradford Hill criteria, Rothman’s Sufficient Component Cause Model)
c)Using the criteria that you have selected in item b) which criteria did you deem relevant for understanding causality for your chosen health condition?  Is it possible to prove causality? Give rationale for your answer.
d)Why is understanding the concept of causation relevant for registered nurses to understand?  Explain your answer with rationale.

4) The phrase “correlation does not imply causation” is used regularly in the media.  

a)What does this phrase mean and why is it relevant to epidemiology?
b)Provide an example to describe the correct use of this phrase. Describe the example in detail.
c)Provide an example to describe a misinterpretation or incorrect use of this phrase. Describe the example in detail.
Why is it important for registered nurses to fully understand the terms ‘correlation’ and ‘causation’? Describe your answer with rationalea)What changes were made to breast cancer screening at the end of 2018 and why were these changes made? Do you agree with these changes? Explain if breast cancer screening recommendations are mandatory or voluntary?
b)How is the natural history of disease related to breast cancer screening? Explain your answer.
c)Describe the terms ‘overdiagnosis’ and ‘false positive tests’. How do these terms relate to breast cancer screening?
d)How can registered nurses promote breast cancer screening in their daily practice? Describe your answer.

(Solved): 1. Breast Cancer Diagnosis For this question we will be usi...

1. Breast Cancer Diagnosis

For this question we will be using the BreastCancer data set from the mlbench library. To load the data into R, simply load the library, and then type: data("BreastCancer", package = "mlbench"). Once the data is loaded, we recommend removing the Id attribute, since this has no value for classification: BreastCancer$Id = NULL. Information about the data set can be found by typing

?BreastCancer into the console.

(a) Set the seed of the random number generator to 100 (set.seed(100)), and then generate a training data set of 400 data points using the sample function (the remaining 299 data points will be the test set).

(b) Create pairs plots for both the training and test data sets, colouring each point based on the

Class of the data point. Comment on any observations.

(c) Using the rpart.control(...) arguments for rpart, set the termination criteria for generating the classification tree to be the max depth of the tree. (Disable any other termination criteria;
  1. Generate three classification trees to classify the Class as each benign or malignant, using all the other attributes as predictor variables, varying the maxdepth termination criterion from 3 to 9 in steps of 3.
  2. Visualise the tree with a maximum depth of 3.
  3. For each tree, give the in-sample and out-of-sample confusion matrices.
  4. Create a table specifying the accuracy of each model, both in-sample and out-of-sample.
  5. Comment on and explain what you notice about the in-sample vs. out-of-sample accuracy.

(d) Set the termination criteria to be a max depth of 3 for the following question (i.e. set maxdepth=3, minsplit=1 and cp=0.)

  1. By modifying the loss matrix, generate four classification trees (using all of the independent attributes), which range from having no false positives to no false negatives in the training data.
  2. For each tree, give the in-sample and out-of-sample confusion matrices.
  3. On a 2D scatterplot show the sensitivity vs. specificity of each classification model, include both the in-sample and out-of-sample values in different colours. (This plot can be generated in R, Matlab or Excel.)
  4. Comment on and explain any observations about the in-sample vs out-of-sample perfor- mance seen in the plot.
  5. Suppose that we are much more concerned about false negatives than false positives. Explain what this means, and then recommend which of the classification models (from above) that we should choose.

2. Character Recognition

Download the file letters.csv from Canvas and read it into R; this file contains a data set, in which  each of the 20,000 data points corresponds to a digitised capital letter that is known (this is given by the lettr attribute in column 1). There are also 17 independent attributes (columns 2–18), that have been computed from the digital image of each letter (e.g. onpix, is a count of the number of pixels that are black in the image). If you are interested, further details can be found here:

(a) Set the seed of the random number generator to 50, and then generate a random training data set of 18000 data points using the sample function (the remaining 2000 data points will be the test set).

(b) Filter the data set to create a training set called letters.train and a test set called letters.test

(c) The question uses geom jitter() for ggplot(); this plot is just like a scatter plot, but ‘jitters’ the data so discrete values don’t overlap. Plot two jitter plots for the letters.test data set:

  • xbox vs. onpix with the points coloured by lettr; and
  • x2bar vs. y2bar with the points coloured by lettr.

Which of these pairs of attributes would be better for classifying the data? Explain why.

(d) Using the letters.train data set create three random forests, with ntree set to 10, 100 and 1000, to predict the lettr attribute, given the other 16 attributes. Note the following:

  • set the random seed to 100 immediately before each tree is constructed, and
  • report the OOB (out-of-bag / out-of-sample) estimate of error rate, for each tree.

(e) For the random forest with 1000 trees, apply the predict function to the test set.

  • Create a 26 × 26 confusion matrix based on these predictions.
  • Which letter is the letter P occasionally misclassified as?
  • What is the accuracy of this classifier on this test set?

We now wish to see if the Na¨?ve Bayes classifier can be also be used to predict the correct letters for the same data set.

(f) Apply the Na¨?ve Bayes method to the training data set to determine the class lettr using all the other attributes.

(g) Using the predict() function determine the in-sample and out-of-sample accuracy for this method. (R will report some warnings, but you can ignore them.)

(h) Show the confusion matrix for the out-of-sample predictions, above, and discuss this in compar- ison to the corresponding confusion matrix for the random forest.

(Solved): Questions1. What do you understand by international trade an...


1. What do you understand by international trade and what are the factors that may have an impact on international business activity? 

2. What are market analysis tools? Give three examples where market analysis tools can be applied with regards to international trade.

3. Workplace health and safety authorities in each state and territory and Safe Work Australia have responsibilities for enforcing the OH&S legislation. They provide information and advice on safety and health at work. OHS standards in the workplace are important to get right. Employees and employers both have OHS rights and responsibilities. Give two responsibilities each for employer and employee to ensure compliance with the Act.

4. The Fair Trading Act 1989 allows to make provision with respect to certain unfair or undesirable trade practices, to regulate the supply of goods and services, to provide for a commissioner for fair trading and for related purposes. What is the principal objective of the Fair Trading Act 1989?

5. Which information processing guidelines are outlined in the Queensland Information Privacy Act 2009?

6. Briefly explain why it is important that a manager understands ethical principles and behaves in an ethical manner.

7. What is the main objective of the Trade Practices Act 1974?

8. Business information is an indispensable managerial resource. The amount of business information available is increasing in step with advances in information and communication technologies. International trade can also be facilitated with the right information collected from internal and external sources. Give three examples each for sources of internal information and external information for international markets.

9. As the new product project advances through the structured process, financial forecasts are an important metric that gatekeepers will review and scrutinize.  Again, profitability is the goal of all companies and new product development efforts are an effective path to achieving revenue growth. Historical Trend Analysis is a forecasting tool widely used. Explain how this tool can be applied to forecast international market needs.

10. Trade is increasingly global in scope today and as a result, consumers and businesses now have access to the very best products from many different countries. Give two reasons which may affect the range of products or services marketed by business in international settings.

(Solved): Questions:1. Predict the major organic product(s) correspond...


1. Predict the major organic product(s) corresponding to each letter. Show stereochemistry where necessary.

2. Predict the reagent(s) corresponding to each letter. Show stereochemistry where necessary. 

3. Propose the reaction mechanism for the following reactions. 

4. When cyclopentene was treated with bromine in methanol as solvent, dibromide U and co-halogenation product V were observed.

(a) Explain briefly the formation of anti-dibromide U instead of syn-dibromide in this reaction with the aid of reaction mechanism. 

(b) Account for the formation of co-halogantion product V in this reaction. 

(c) Suggest a modification to the reaction condition such that ONLY dibromide U would be formed.

(d) Suggest a modification to the reaction condition such that ONLY co-halogenation product V would be formed.

(e) Predict the structures of the major co-halogenation product in the following reactions:

5. Propose the synthesis for the target compounds from the indicated starting materials.