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(Solved): Learning Outcome 1: Explore and critique main principles and...

Learning Outcome 1: Explore and critique main principles and concepts of domains of current psychological research and practiceYou will address Learning Outcome 1 by clearly describing the relevant behavioural processes (e.g., reinforcement, punishment, stimulus control, social learning, classical conditioning) that your consideration of your history and your functional analysis suggests are (and were) important in the development and maintenance of the behaviour. For a behaviour that you wish to reduce, there will likely be more material here, for a behaviour that you wish to increase it might be that the initial contingencies were weak etc (so you will need to think about barriers to its development, or gaps in the supporting contingencies – i.e., what/where is the environment not reinforcing the behaviour?). Overall, you need to show a good understanding and application of the behavioural processes relevant to your behaviour and you demonstrate that by explaining your behaviour in behavioural terms. ?Show that you understand relevant approaches from behavioural psychology – clearly explain them.?Explicitly link behavioural processes to your behaviour of interest – use your functional analysis to illustrate. How can your behaviour (in terms of development and maintenance) be understood in behavioural terms??Use your text and Library database to locate sources that support your explanations. Section 2 –Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate the ability to inform practice by investigation, exploration, problem-solving and critical reflection.Learning Outcome 3 is addressed here by considering how the information presented in Section 1 can be used to inform a behaviour modification plan to change your target behaviour. Describe how

you could use your knowledge of the behaviour (from your functional assessment) and behavioural psychology to change the behaviour in the desired way. Depending on what your goal would be, you can consider positive/negative reinforcement/punishment, alternative reinforcers, using social learning theory, establishing substitute behaviours, avoiding or adjusting key antecedents etc. ?Use research and theory to discuss how this understanding of the behaviour could be used to inform a simple behavioural modification programme. ?Outline the key aspects and considerations of a behavioural intervention to change your behaviour.Section 3Learning Outcome 2: Critically reflect on the validity and relevance of psychology to understanding the self, others, present -day contexts and New Zealand society.Finally, Learning Outcome 2 is address by considering the strengths and weaknesses of a purely behavioural approach. As you should understand, this is a very clear, objective, evidence-based approach and so has some clear strengths. It also is explicitly focused on individual behaviour, and understanding that. However, in terms of working for you in this context, are there aspects missing, or that could be strengthened? Consider whether other aspects (e.g., personality, motivation, culture, etc) are sufficiently integrated. Can they be? How might this be accomplished??Discuss the strengths and limitations of a behavioural approach to understanding and changing your behaviour. E.g., evidence, choice of contingencies, the role of motivation, emotion, personality, culture, and the complexity of daily life.?Consider the barriers to its success, challenges, strengths and weaknesses of a behavioural perspective.?What complimentary approaches might support the likelihood of a successful behaviour chang

(Solved): Research question: Present your research question (the one a...

Research question: Present your research question (the one approved in Assignment 3) in one or two sentences.
Research methods: Clearly describe exactly how your research project would be conducted. Include the following two segments in your methods section:
Sample: In this section, briefly describe the potential research participants (i.e., the sample group). This section should answer such questions as, “Who will be participating in my study?” “How will I recruit them?” “What special characteristics do individuals need to have in order to take part in my study (e.g., should they be women, adolescents, mothers, professionals?)?” “How will my sample help me address my research question?”
Procedures: In this section, describe for the reader exactly how you, the researcher, would go about conducting the study and collecting the data that would allow you to answer your research question. This section should answer such questions as “What steps do I need to take to conduct the study?” “Will I need special equipment to conduct my study (e.g., audio or video recording equipment)?” “How will I measure the behaviours or attitudes that I need to measure in order to answer my research question?” “How will I collect the data I need in order to answer my research question (e.g., observing participants in natural settings, observing participants in experimental settings, interviewing participants, asking participants to fill out surveys or questionnaires)?”
Proposed results: In this section, provide a brief overview of the results you would expect to see if you (or someone else) were to conduct your proposed research project.
Discussion: In this section, briefly discuss how the anticipated results (above) of your proposed research project would answer your research question, and how the expected findings would contribute to the literature on the topic you examined in your literature review section

(Solved): What is the topic? What do you know about the topic? How the...

What is the topic? What do you know about the topic? How the topic is connected with the course outcomes?


How does this subject contribute to society? To the future? To the present? What makes the topic so great? What are some strengths? Why is it important (to you)? Who might benefit from exploring this topic? What are some specific examples?

Limitations and logical inconsistencies

What could be improved about this topic? What are some weaknesses in the subject?


What is the real-world meaning for this topic? What are specific areas in which this knowledge or topic could be used? How is this subject useful? Why is it useful? What are some specific examples?

I. Personal Reflection

Initial reaction

What were your first thoughts when learning about this topic? What have you learned from this? What impressions do you have, positive or negative? Why do you think the subject was presented? What are you thinking and feeling about the topic?

What resonates with you?

Why does it fit? What do you like about the topics? What is important for you? What do you hope to take away or remember about this topic?

What does not resonate with you?

What don’t you like about the topic? Why not? What is causing you to feel negatively? What needs to be changed in order for you to enjoy this topic? Are your dislikes something with which everybody would agree?

Examples from own life

Where or when in your life do you see this topic? What are some specific examples of you experiencing the topic? Have you previously considered the link between the topic and your life? What are some specific examples of times that contradict the subject? If you have no examples of this topic in your life, why not?

Integration with own life

How might this affect your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in the future? How could you improve your own life with the knowledge you have gained from this subject? What have you learned from this? How has this subject affected you? What are some specific examples of how you will integrate this topic into your life?


What questions do you still have about this subject? What would be important to know? How could you find the answers?

(Solved): On successful completion of this module students will be ab...

On successful completion of this module students will be able to


1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Big Data technology landscape, terminology and choices available

2. Identify and communicate the challenges of scalability of databases and data analysis

3. Collect and synthesise information needed to select the optimum solution for a problem domain involving big data

4. Analyse and evaluate a range of information comparing alternative methods and techniques used in the analysis of big data including methods to visualise and learn from large volumes of data

5. Implement and test solutions using big data technologies

(Solved): ****Assignment 1: Writing Assessment >Prepare your assign...

****Assignment 1: Writing Assessment >Prepare your assignment in a format that is( compatible with Microsoft Office.) Amarjot_admn233_assign1.docx >>>Assignment Instructions Read the instructions and (SCENARIO BELOW) and complete the writing task that follows. ( Important) :***five categories outlined in the Marking Guide. Once you receive your graded assignment, read your marker’s assessment carefully. Be sure to use an appropriate format and tone, as well as correct grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and paragraphing. Clarity and brevity are also important. All words must be completely your own (that is, do not plagiarize wording from this scenario or elsewhere). >>Required length: Your assignment should be between. Make use of paragraphs effectively, using no more than 4–6 paragraphs. **You may add details to the case providing they do not contradict or reduce the scope of the case and assignment. Main work: Scenario You are the owner of Cranky’s Mountainbikes, a bicycle shop located in Canmore, Alberta, a trendy mountain resort. Your store sells lightweight mountain bicycles to cycling enthusiasts. You also rent bikes to tourists who enjoy visiting Alberta’s Rocky Mountains during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Prices for these lightweight, aluminum-framed bicycles typically range between $1,000 and $3,000. You would like to introduce a line of less expensive alloy-composite bicycles called Ecobikes in your store to compete with local retail giants in Calgary, a large, neighbouring city. Low prices for the metal-framed mountain bikes sold by these stores have undercut your store’s profits over several years. Prices for a new line of low-cost alloy-composite bicycles manufactured and assembled in Canada range from $400 to $700, far less than all-aluminum bikes. ***Writing Task Address an e-mail to Ms. Leigh Saddle, Sales Representative for Ecobikes, a bicycle-manufacturing company located in Mississauga, Ontario: [email protected] 1. Add an appropriate subject line. 2. Include an appropriate salutation. 3. Outline the topic of your email in a topic sentence. 4. Request information from Ms. Saddle about one of the following topics: a choice of alloy-composite bicycle models for children, men, and women a price range for various bike models parts, service, and repairs 5. Provide an appropriate concluding sentence as well as your name & contact details. Marking Guide Your marker will use the following five categories to assess this assignment: Content, Organization, Mechanics & Grammar, Writing Style, and Presentation & Formatting. Content Markers look for evidence that you: include all required elements clearly understand the topic target appropriately to your audience and purpose use quality, original ideas and cite any sources correctly follow conventions of the medium and genre appropriately meet the goals of the assignment and scenario Organization Markers look for: clear, appropriate, and logical structure and flow within each paragraph and within the whole assignment good main ideas at the paragraph level appropriate, effective introduction and conclusion effective transitions within sentences, between sentences, and between paragraphs lack of repetition of points Mechanics and Grammar Markers look for: correct spelling and capitalization correct punctuation correct application of grammar rules proper syntax Writing Style Markers look for evidence that you: adopt an appropriate tone chopse a style appropriate to the content, subject, purpose, and audience present an effective voice that is consistent and sustained use appropriate expression and vocabulary write clearly and concisely Presentation & Formatting Markers look for evidence that you: use standard and readable text formatting, including font and line-spacing use titles, headings, and subheadings to aid navigation of your document highlight key points or passages as necessary (e.g., bolding, italics) use visual aids effectively and as necessary (e.g., tables, graphs, images) use document layout techniques effectively (e.g., margins, white space, text alignment) project a professional quality appearance ** Use simple language and not high level. Read all the instructions carefully. Grammar error free

(Solved): TaskPart 1: Conservation1.Reflect on the benefits and threat...


Part 1: Conservation

1.Reflect on the benefits and threats to biodiversity. Predict which of these would relate to your candidate species if it was reintroduced to an ecosystem. Incorporate multiple examples. Include at least one citation (for your species or a closely related species) that supports your prediction. Do not forget to include in-text citations in your answer.

2.The candidate species will initially be created in a laboratory setting and then likely will be in a captive breeding program before it is released into a natural ecosystem. Create a species survival plan for your candidate that will prepare it for re-introduction and maintain the species in a natural environment after it is reintroduced. In your description, include why it is a plausible plan for your species. Answer in 3-5 sentences.

Part 2: Species Interactions

3.Create a species interaction model for the community that may be used for your candidate species’ reintroduction. Include at least 6 species, in addition to your candidate species. Follow these instructions:

a.Create at least three examples of interactions that include your candidate species and one other species. 

b.Then create three additional examples of interactions that do not include your candidate species.

c.Across the six total interactions, use at least three different types of interactions.

d.Label each interaction (or create a key) with the type of interaction: competition, mutualism, commensalism, or consumption (predation and parasitism are considered as different types of interactions if labeled as such).

e.Include a brief description for each interaction (incomplete sentences are acceptable). Exception: there is no need to include a further description for predator/prey relationships.

f.Label the ends of each interaction line with +/-/N (positive, negative, or neutral) to describe how each species is impacted by the interaction.

4.Include at least one citation that supports your model. This citation can be for the ecological community and not your specific species.

5.Using the model, predict how the reintroduction of your species will impact the overall community (e.g., will some species be positively impacted by having another prey item while others will be negatively impacted by predation or competition?). Provide specific examples, based on the model.

Part 3Carbon & Climate Change

6.Your candidate species contains carbon. Draw a pathway through the carbon cycle that an atom of carbon might take from your species to another species in its potential ecosystem. Follow these instructions.

a.Include the processes, all four spheres, and things (such as organisms) in your diagram.

i.Name each sphere.

ii.Add the “things” within parentheses.

iii.Add arrows to indicate processes and label each arrow with the process

iv.Number the order of the processes

b.Feel free to include a description with your model.

c.Your model must make biological sense for the ecosystem.

d.Note that this is not just a replicate of the carbon model we made in class; it is a specific pathway and will not include every process from the original model.

7.Predict to what extent re-introducing your species will impact the size of each carbon reservoir/sphere and the equilibrium (or non-equilibrium) of the cycle. Explain your reasoning.

8.change will impact your species in the next 50-100 years. 

a.What will the climate be like in the next 50-100 years in your species’ region and biome compared to what it is like right now?

i.Note that climate is more than just temperature.

ii.Provide citation(s) to climate models that you used to answer this question.

b.Explain why you selected these climate models, such as who created the model and how you accessed the model. 

c.How will your species be impacted by these changes in climate?

i.Include at least one citation (specific to your species or the particular habitat) for this question that supports your prediction. Do not forget to include in-text citations in your answers.

9.Create a model that explains how variations in greenhouse gas concentration result in changes in climate and how your species survival plan will impact greenhouse gas concentration. The model should address the following questions:

a.How does greenhouse gas concentration influence climate?

b.Which type(s) of photons (light and/or infrared/heat photons) play a role in this cause and effect relationship?

c.How does an increase in carbon dioxide cause an increase in temperature?

d.How will the survival plan (from question #2) influence greenhouse gas concentration? (e.g., are there things necessary in the plan that will require fossil fuels?)

Population Growth

10.Consider how the number of individuals changed over time before extinction. Was the number stable until a sudden event caused it to crash? Was it a gradual reduction in size? Was it similar across all populations- or at least our knowledge of it was generalized to all populations?

a.Create a population (or species) growth curve for your candidate species- create more than one if there was more than one way that the populations changed over time (e.g., maybe some crashed suddenly while others gradually declined or maybe some have crashed and a few populations still remain). 

b.The curve does not need exact sizes or years- we often do not have that data anyway- just provide general information- thousands, hundreds, tens…1700’s, 1800’s, recently…? Make sure to label the X- and Y-axes.

c.If your species is not yet extinct, it is okay to indicate that in the growth curve.

11.Describe how the numerical value of the carrying capacity changed over time and why it changed.

12.What caused the collapse of the species? Name at least a couple issues (do not just state “humans”) and label these as density-independent or dependent. Explain how you concluded which one it is (some factors may not be obviously one or the other, but the explanation should indicate an understanding of the concepts).

13.Include at least one reference, including in-text citations.

(Solved): Create a 500 element array and load the array with a series ...

Create a 500 element array and load the array with a series of numbers starting at the first position that is the square of the index. For example, at position 0 would be 0, at position 1 would be 1, at position 2 would be 4, at position 3 would be 9…. Etc. Ask the user for a number between 0 and 250,000 and let them know if that number is a square. Employ a binary search

(Solved): Choose ONE filmmaker/artist from the list below, following y...

Choose ONE filmmaker/artist from the list below, following your own interest. Begin with biographical notes about the individual. Describe some general and distinguishing characteristics of their body of work. (In other words, who they are and what they do). Then research two of their  films/works and write your own thoughts and opinions about this work.

1 Lynn Stopkewich

2 Elle Maija Tailfeathers

3 Denis Villeneuve

4 Ann Marie Fleming

5 Mina Shum

6 David Cronenberg

7 Bruce Mcdonald

8 Julia Kwan

9 Norman McLaren

10 Sarah Polley

11 Xavier Dolan

12 Atom Egoyan

13 Mary Harron

14 Patricia Rozema

15 Deepa Mehta



(Solved): The purpose of this paraphrasing assessment is to evaluate y...

The purpose of this paraphrasing assessment is to evaluate your understanding of the difference between physical description and process analysis. Your reading comprehension ability, spatial ability, sequential logic, and paraphrasing skills will also be evaluated.

Using the Biowalls article you read for Quiz 1 as your source, write TWO paragraphs:
?A Parts Analysis that describes all the components used in a biowall, or biofilter
?A Process Analysis that explains the sequence of steps for how the biofilter works

While you may wish to use Internet sources to assist you in completing the assignment, your paragraphs must be based entirely on the “Biowalls” article and must not contain information that cannot be found in that text. There is no need to document additional source material since you won’t be using or referencing it directly.

Content requirements*
?Include an overview sentence that previews each paragraph’s content.
?Other than this overview, do not include any introductory or concluding information.
?Include only information that focuses on the information types requested.
?Write in grammatical sentences, avoid repetitious or irrelevant content, and paraphrase (use your own wording and sentence structure).
?You are expected to proofread your writing before submitting it for evaluation.

(Solved): Questions:Please answer the following questions.  Your answ...


Please answer the following questions.  Your answers are to be typed in this document and explained in complete sentences.  Please do not remove the question and cite and list any references that you use.  There are five questions worth five points each.

Question 1

Love is an important aspect of human life and vital to our relationships.  Discuss two approaches to love and explain the views of each approach.

Question 2

Compare and contrast two theories that explain love from a biological perspective.  Discuss the similarities and differences of each theory.

Question 3

Discuss a taxonomic approach that identifies different types of love.  Explain the perspectives of the approach and how it is applied to love.

Question 4

What role does culture play in love?  Do you believe love is universal across cultures?  Explain why or why not.

Question 5

There are several factors that influence whether or not we feel attracted to another person.  Identify two factors that influence your attraction and discuss why the factors are important to you.  Include personal examples in your answer.