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(Solved): Case study that articulates scientific knowledge that underp...

Case study that articulates scientific knowledge that underpins your area of specialty practice


This assessment task provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking, synthesis and evaluation of evidence-based literature in relation to the key anatomical, physiological and pathophysiological concepts; treatment goals and interventions associated with a patient’s health condition; and the impact these factors have on patient outcomes.

1-Introduction-  intro of patient and health issue i.e acinar adenocarcinoma of prostate leading to radical retropubic prostatectomy importance of choosing this topic to my specialized area i.e urology surgical nursing(need to explain why I choose this patient). Around 250 words or less for intro

2-Patient history- How patient found about acinar adenocarcinoma, any symptoms patient had, diagnostic test done, any relevant past history.

Please see example case study from past student, which I attached with this request. Please be mindful example case study is for reference only, its orthopedic case study while mine should be surgical case study. History diagnostic test and symptoms should be all different from example case study as its for reference only.

3.Acinar adenocarcinoma

a- Anatomy and physiology of prostate gland
b- pathological changes in acinar  adenocarcinoma in selected patient.


Goal of treatment. i.e radical retropubib prostatectomy Explain procedure and why prostatectomy was required. -post op recovery and one complication in post op period


I work in urology surgical ward and radical prostatectomy is major surgical procedure on my ward. This case study describes one of post prostatectomy patient Bobby Bob (pseudonym), who was admitted to urology surgical ward for surgical management of acinar adenocarcinoma of prostate gland. Bob underwent radical open retro pubic prostatectomy. His postoperative recovery was successful as expected with minimal complications.
Bobby is a 64-year-old male who was diagnosed with acinar adenocarcinoma of prostate base on his Gleason grade 4+5 on his latest transperineal prostate biopsy in July 2019.  He experienced urinary frequency and painful urination at times in 2016. He saw his general practitioner who referred Bobby to urologist. Bobby was under active surveillance since 2016 and underwent regular transperineal prostate biopsies. The last two biopsies in 2016 and 2017 has Gleason  grade 3+3 and 3+4 respectively. Bobby went overseas in 2018 and missed routine biopsy in 2018. He experienced painful micturition early this year and returned to urology clinic for follow up. He has past history of gastro oesophageal reflux, GOUT and hypertension. Bobby doesnot take any regular medications.

Please write case study based on above mentioned patient results and details.

(Solved): Assessment Criteria Weights Criteria Description Abstract an...

Assessment Criteria Weights Criteria Description Abstract and Introduction Description and coverage of topic Approach to selected subject Essay outline  Literature Review Current state of the art Key literature collected (e.g. academic journals, books) Identification of key issues and challenges Discussion of others' work Argument and Application Selection of theory Application of selected theory to the context Critical discussion/comparison/contrast Argumentation/reasoning  Conclusion Concluding remarks Discussion on limitations/constraints Presentation Layout/style Reference and citation style Word count Assessment Brief You must select one of the following topics to develop an individual essay. You are expected to conduct comprehensive literature review on the selected topic, followed by your critical argument. The essay should follow the standard academic writing style and structure. Why change management is vital for digital transformation initiative?

(Solved): Rhetorical Exercise Two: Stasis Write a response to an argum...

Rhetorical Exercise Two: Stasis Write a response to an argumentative magazine article on a topic that you might be interested in researching and writing on for your term paper. The Atlantic, The New Yorker, and The Walrus are all good places to start looking. Your paper should do the following: Summary : Write a concise summary of what the article is about and its central argument (thesis). This is harder than it sounds, because you need to cut to the core to keep this within the word count (remember that the “sum” in summary is Latin for “being” or “essence.” What is the essence of the article?). Be sure to include an MLA citation for the article you find and format it at the beginning of your article, just above the summary. Analysis: Use stasis theory to map the main argument and supporting arguments of your article. Show how these arguments relate to each other and their relative positions of stasis. Be sure to attend to the following: What is the article's main argument? At what level of stasis is the article’s main argument? Practical or Theoretical?? Conjecture, Definition, Quality, Policy? Give examples of sub-arguments that support the main argument At what level of stasis are those supporting arguments? What's the significance of constructing the argument this way? Why does it matter that the argument resides at the levels of stasis that you indicate? Reflection ):? Briefly reflect on how the rhetorical insights that you’ve gleaned from the article might help direct your approach to your project. What are some things that you want to keep in mind as you start working to craft determine the point of stasis for your project and how you want to present it?

(Solved): AssignmentTopicEffective credit risk management continues to...



Effective credit risk management continues to be essential in today’s modern economies. This is evident from the size of bank balance sheets and from the volume of problematic debt held by financial institutions in many countries. Many of the Bank’s customers could be adversely affected by the Covid 19 virus The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is the primary global standard setter for the prudential regulation of banks. The BCBS strongly encourages that Banks must have in place a system for monitoring the condition of individual credits, including determining the adequacy of provisions and reserves.


Critically analyse the issues arising in the development and implementation of banks’ systems for monitoring the condition of individual credits, including determining the adequacy of provisions and reserves. 

(Solved): Summary of Traffic Analysis:1- Generally at Campuses A, B, a...

Summary of Traffic Analysis:

1- Generally at Campuses A, B, and D, the network is composed of a switched backbone architecture, in which traffic from all classrooms is fed into a central switch. At Campus-C, however, combined traffic from neighboring classrooms and staff office wings is fed into two central switches.

2- LAN Performance: The LAN Segment Utilization Table below presents the bandwidth utilization of the different segments of the network at Campus-C. However, this could be applied to all other locations.

Requirements, Issues, Constraints

Business Requirements:

1- As per directive from the senior team, all Campuses and Dorm would be WiFi friendly as well as all Campuses and their lab areas would be printer friendly- i.e. one can request printout from ANY station ANYWHERE and be able to get it from ANY printer ANYWHERE.

2- Provide at least three WiFi Hot Points at each Campus to suit the building layout and the appropriate access for users grouped as “management & staff”, “students” and “guests”.

3- Plans to implement “Voice over IP” phone sets to the desktop, but the vender or technology has not being selected- you are free to recommend in your report.

Technical Requirements:

1- Apply a hierarchical approach to design this network. Your network design diagram should show:
a. i. Core Layer
b. ii. Distribution Layer
c. iii. Access Layer
2- Improve system Bandwidth for the users to accommodate for growth (assume 5% per year) at all Campuses.
3- Plan for Internet availability improvement
4- Required Public IP addresses for the College
5- Upgrade several of the server hardware platforms (to provide performance and fault tolerance) as seen necessary at any Campus(es).
6- Implement an Internet firewall (to provide security) wherever is deemed necessary.
7- Provide a more robust uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system (to provide fault tolerance and availability) for key infrastructure equipment and servers.
8- Provide secure remote login connections for 50 staff, who are mobile and work remotely from outside their offices. Make a suitable choice of technologies in this case. This number will double to over the next two years.

(Solved): PurposeThis assignment will evaluate learners understanding ...


This assignment will evaluate learners understanding of artistic development in children and bring them to a higher level where learners are also tested on their evaluation ability in recognizing the different stages of artistic development through observation of children’s artwork.

Part 1

Some children begin displaying their artistic abilities as early as one-year-old. As they get older, they become better at manipulating artistic tools to create meaningful art. You may refer to Topic 5 in your course module for further details on creative art.

For this assignment, you are required to select ONE child aged 5 years old or younger. Collect 10 samples (in the form of pictures or video) of the child’s creative work/play.  Discuss and identify which stage they represent, with reference to all the following theories:

1.Lowenfeld’s Stages of Artistic Development

2.Kellog’s Stages of Artistic Development

3.Piaget’s Stages of Artistic Development

4.Kerlavage Stages of Artistic Development 

Part 2

You are also required to discuss how early art education may benefit children in different aspects of their lives. 

Refer to the guidelines provided in the rubrics given on the expected assignment content and also the basis for which marks are to be awarded for the assignment.

(Solved): AssessmentThe Internet has many important applications, of w...


The Internet has many important applications, of which, Social Media have become one of the mostly used services online. 

You are required to write a report on the following topic:

1.Compare and contrast between the positive and negative aspects of Social media on the Internet.

2.Discuss the challenges and measures of security and privacy that are taken when Social media services are used online.

3.Select any two examples of Social media, compare and contrast their features, applications, discussing their suitability for businesses. Do you think, Social media site can be a communication tool? Justify your answer.

This assessment addresses LO1, LO2, LO3 and LO4:

LO1: Understand the key terms and considerations associated with using the internet

LO2: Take responsibility for personal security and privacy when using the internet

LO3: Develop online research skills

LO4: Develop digital communication skills

(Solved): Task:In this scenario, the two firms will engage in a merger...


In this scenario, the two firms will engage in a merger in order to broaden their scope and increase accessibility to global markets. As a change consultant called in to facilitate this merger, assess the following and prepare a paper in which you address each item using what you have learned in this course. Identify the mission statements for each firm.

Combine them into one global mission statement. Compare and contrast the two firms’ organizational structures and suggest a new structure that will work for the combined firms. Define the new structure according to the mechanistic/organic dichotomy. Prepare a S.W.O.T. analysis in which you identify five of each category. Discuss how you might leverage the merged firms’ combined strengths in order to take advantage of the opportunities listed.

At least one opportunity must be ‘global’ in nature. Also, discuss how the combined firms’ weaknesses might constrain pursuit of opportunity. Develop a communication plan for rolling out information about the merger. Identify the types of resistance that managers will face and describe strategies for managing resistance. Discuss how a change like a merger will affect employee engagement and offer strategies to keep employees engaged. Identify the ethics/values in the culture of each firm. Are these values complementary to a merger? Is there a possibility of a misalignment of values, and how might this be managed?

(Solved): Question:This is a first draft of your dissertation. These s...


This is a first draft of your dissertation. These sections should thus be considered preliminary in their ingredients and points. However, it is crucial to begin to organize them as if they were the final dissertation, so that you can receive useful feedback from your supervisor.

Tip: One paragraph on each: Main question, main gap in literature, main preliminary argument, description of the likely empirical strategy.

Tip: This is where you will present the literature that informs your supervisor of what has been said about your question but also what has not been said and thus reveals the gap you are seeking to fill.

Tip: Make sure all literature is on your dependent variable. Make sure you group research by its main independent variable. Make sure you use this to demonstrate the gap in the literature. Your last paragraph points out this gap.

Tip: This is where you will showcase how you will fill the gap in the literature above. Here, you present your argument for doing that. Try to be as specific as possible about your argument, so that you can receive appropriate feedback on it.

Tip: Include literature here that help you justify your case, which is your causal mechanism. Include at least one paragraph on the main outcomes of the dependent variable to explain how the independent variable produces that outcome. (For example, how high  values on the IV lead to high values of the DV; how low values of the IV lead to low values of the DV; how medium values of the IV lead to medium values of the DV.)

• Research Design / Empirical Strategy:

Tip: This is where you will present the concepts, measures, and data and sources you will analyze to test your argument. You must also explain how you will gather this data and how you will analyze it. Try to be as specific as possible about what you intend to do. Tip: Think of this as a recipe for ensuring that anyone could replicate what you did and find exactly the same thing you do. Explain the universe of cases to which your argument applies, explain your case selection from that universe and why you chose that selection,explain any confounding factors and how you control for them (and on what you base your measures for these controls, that is, how you know they are similar in value). Define the main DV, explain the measure you chose to capture it and why, explain the data and note its source. Define the main IV(s), explain the measure(s) you chose to capture it(them) and why, explain the data and note its source(s). Do the same for any testable hypotheses of the argument, as these can require additional DVs and IVs for analysis. If conducting a statistical analysis, explain any control variables included in the model and why they are there, document sources.

Do not count against word limit

• The proposal is considered to be the first draft of the dissertation. You will thus reuse the proposal materials in the final dissertation.

• Do not include irrelevant text or data. Stick to only what you need in each section to serve its main purpose.

• Do not provide factual material or make factual statements without citations to the source.

• Do not make claims or assertions about anything, including history, literature, relationships, trends, without justifying them, either through citations to sources (and prior research) or through logical argumentation when they are your ideas.

• Building on this last point, verify that you have included citations to sources for all factual statements, claims, and assertions that come from other sources and research. Otherwise, this is plagiarism.

• Consult your supervisors (or other members of staff) for additional guidance.

(Solved): Task:Assuming the tails of distributions are normal distribu...


Assuming the tails of distributions are normal distribution, is there evidence that the treatment is effective?

Cholesterol Decreased No Cholesterol Decrease paper before the end of the module that: Briefly describe the procedure for testing hypotheses. Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses.

Determine the test statistic that you will use. Calculate the p-value. Show your work. Discuss whether there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. Assignment Expectations Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric.