Based on the Wide World Tour Management System (attached as Appendix A), complete the following tasks:
Part 1. Use Case Realisation for the ‘Record New Tour’ Use Case
Analysis Class Diagram
a) In your own words, briefly describe what is meant by an Analysis Class Diagram, and how class diagrams can be useful in systems analysis and design.
b) Draw an Analysis Class Diagram for the ‘Record New Tour’ Use Case, using the Use Case description given. This should include all required boundary, control and entity classes with their associations and attributes. Your diagram should be drawn using the Enterprise Architect software and copied and inserted as a picture into your document.
c) Write a brief summary of the decisions made whilst drawing the diagram, and your reasons for making those.Communication Diagram
a) In your own words, briefly describe what is modelled in a Communication Diagram, and how Communication Diagrams can be useful in systems analysis and design.
b) Draw a Communication Diagram for the use case in your diagram that corresponds most closely to the use case ‘Record New Tour’, using the Use Case description given. This should include all control, boundary and entity objects involved in the scenario and sufficient detail of the messages to show that the interaction is feasible and would meet the system requirements. Your diagram should be drawn using the Enterprise Architect software and copied and inserted as a picture into your document.
c) Write a brief summary of the decisions made whilst drawing the diagram, and your reasons for making those.